May 29, 2009

How the Sun affects the Earth

1. Sunlight affects the weather of an area. The temperature of any place on the Earth depends on where the sun is in the sky. Tropical areas near the equator, an invisible line around the middle of the Earth, have a hot climate because the sun shine almost directly overhead at noon. Areas near the North Pole and the South Pole have cold weather because the sun never rises very high there.

The sun gives us heat, light, and other kinds of energy. All life on Earth -- people, animals, and plants -- depends on this energy from the sun. Plants use sunlight to make their own food. As they make their food, plants give off a gas called oxygen. People and animals eat the plants and breathe in oxygen. In turn, people and animals breathe out the gas carbon dioxide. Plants mix carbon dioxide with energy from sunlight and water from the soil to make more food.

Image to right: The surface of the sun is made up of hot gases that give off light and heat. Credit: NASA/ESAU/Solar & Heliosphere Observatory.

Apr 3, 2009

big busiess book Test

  1. All of the kids in this book made there own buissness because they wanted lots of money without having to work for someone.

  2. In studies kids start certain buissnesses because they enjoy doing there buissness.

  3. Things a person shuold take into consideration are things like what type of buissnes you want like short or long term and like what jobs need to be done if there good at it and if they like doing it.

  4. Risks a person takes in making a buissness are things like are people take the buissness and if they do will you have enough to cover start up costs and will anyone take your idea.

  5. Products that a person should have to run a buissness are what the product is like if you sell lemonade you need lemons.
  6. profit is money or what ever a person gives you to pay off your product.
  7. If your buissness does not make product than it fails then it fails and it either closses or makes arrangments.

Mar 3, 2009

Mar 2, 2009

us sitters kids site
click for roller coaster click me now what are you waiting for !

Feb 26, 2009

Feb 23, 2009

Pictures of America

It looks go don't it. Shiny silver teapots—of different sizes and shapes—reflect the economic climate and political upheaval taking place in the United States during the time of their production. Once reserved for the 17th-century well to-do, silver wares became available to a larger audience with the opening of silver mines in the West and technological advancements such as electroplating and industrialization.

Jan 30, 2009

MLK for a day

MLK was a nonviolent civil rights leader and he changed life for millions blacks, whites, ashins and me Mexicans. The point of nonviolence is not to humiliate the opponent, but to gain he friendship and understanding. Dr. King did not want his followers to shame racists, only convince them to treat people better. I liked this statement because he talk about nonviolence and making friends with the opponents by turning the other cheek. MLK video